Our guiding principles are the beliefs with which we work, also making it the path we take for our own individual and collective development. Embracing this duality is what equips us to be the work we do.
We categories our guiding principles at the individual and organization level, drawing a connection between the whole and its many essential parts.
Development is a lifelong process
Human beings have an innate motivation to grow.
Adult Development is a conscious activity and needs to be deliberately designed, rather than a purely unconscious and responsive one.
There are different stages of Mental Complexity - everyone is not in the same place at the same time, insisting that authentic and sustainable development is an intentional and mindfully carved process.
Who we are IS how we work
Organizations cannot develop without tapping into the individual’s need to grow
A proactive approach to development can build the maturity and agility of the workforce
Challenge and Support go hand in hand
Conflict and Crisis can be constructive
Capability and Capacity are inter-related
Informed by Research
Drawing upon Neuroscience
Strengths-based approach and Positive Psychology
Inside-out Perspective
Customized to context
Sustainable and scalable methodologies
Measurable: RoE / RoI