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Sustainable Organizations

Expectations of business are changing rapidly as humanity confronts the realities of managing limited resources. Increasingly, business is about more than creating wealth: it’s about creating a culture of ‘sustainability’, where employees hold shared beliefs about the importance of balancing economic efficiency, social equity and environmental accountability. Sustainable organizations have a holistic outlook – they create value for all stakeholders and for society while continuing to operate business successfully.


We partner with organizations to develop their capacity for holistic growth, embedding sustainability in Strategy, Structure, Process, People and Rewards through both formal and informal approaches.


Transforming Organizational Consciousness

Transforming Organizational Consciousness:

Organizations are undergoing a fundamental shift in consciousness, transforming themselves into agents of societal benefit by integrating social responsibility with business acumen. By focusing on societal impact as well as profitability, businesses seek to positively impact a triple bottom-line: happier people, healthy profits and harmonious planet.

We partner with clients to raise and expand the organizational consciousness to be part of something bigger than itself. Using proven positive approaches, we co-create a culture shift that helps the organization transform itself from within even as it impacts the external world, crafting a new vision and purpose that inspires people to contribute to this exciting journey of change.

Driving Customer-centricity through Story Harvesting

Driving Customer-centricity through Story Harvesting:

Organisational performance has never been more dependent on ‘culture’ to support innovation and superior customer experience. Culture is built on the stories that shape the way the organization does things, helping employees find meaning and inspiration in their organisation’s values and leadership.


Culture change with compelling stories at its heart is more likely to succeed and initiatives where change ambassadors keep the story alive double their chances of success. Our story-driven approach to culture change engages people’s emotions to overcome resistance and inertia. We help leaders become inspirational story-tellers, building belief in a shared future, connecting people to purpose, and role-modelling mindsets for improved engagement and performance.

Building Cognitive Flexibility to create greater Value

Building Cognitive Flexibility to create greater Value:

Innovation is about ‘creating value’ for the customer and for oneself. But that’s easier said than done. People close to the action are best placed to see opportunities for value creation, but they are often ill-equipped to find solutions to challenges that are too complex for their current level of thinking. Organizations thus need to help their people build a mind-set for value creation. The starting point is Cognitive Flexibility: a lens through which people can ‘see more’, so they can ‘do more’.


Our programs help build Cognitive Flexibility so that people develop the ability to think in multiple paradigms, imagine new concepts that break free of rigid moulds, and evolve unique solutions. They provide invaluable tools to create superior outcomes in the face of complexity.

Creating a Mindset for Innovation

Creating a Mindset for Innovation:

Every business, big or small, is feeling the impact of globalization and technology-driven change. Indeed, in the current volatile business environment, organizations must either innovate or perish. Every organization wants its people to be innovative, but conventional mind-sets and organizational structures perpetuate the status quo and thus thwart innovation. For innovation to take root, people must first and foremost develop a mind-set that is open to disruption at a very personal level.


Our Programs enables participants to understand what innovation is, the mind-set that fosters innovation, and what they can do to create an environment and culture where they and their teams can flourish.

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